Digital Illustrator

Allo! I'm Xeon! I love drawing cute things and my favorite characters and couples ♡ I started focusing on digital art in 2020.



I am busy with my day job and zine work so I only have extra time and energy for bean and bonk commissions ;w;)9

6 usd

Bean Commissions

- expressions can be changed
- complex designs will be simplified
- no revisions after sketch approval
- 1~2 days to deliver

9 usd

Bonk Commissions

- expressions can be changed
- complex designs will be simplified
- no revisions after sketch approval
- version without the bat included
- 1~2 days to deliver

Zine Experience

As a Moderator & Contributor

Project TitleYearStatusRole(s)
🔗 🖼️春夏秋冬 of Love2021-2022CompletedHead Mod
Organization Mod
Page/Merch Artist
🔗 🖼️Partners in Revolution2022-2023CompletedHead Mod
Organization Mod
Art Mod
Page Artist
🔗 🔜Moments in the Sun2023-2024In progress...Head Mod
Organization Mod
Socials Mod
Collab Artist
 Ao Haru2025-2026Planning...Head Mod
Organization Mod
Page Artist
 Rewrite the Stars2025-2026Planning...Head Mod
Organization Mod
Art Mod
Page Artist

As a Contributor

Project TitleYearStatusRole(s)
🔗 🖼️Nakama2022-2023CompletedPage Artist
🔗 🖼️Shore Leave2022-2023CompletedPage Artist
🔗 🔜A Thousand Sunny Years2023-2024In progress...Collab Artist
🔗 🔜All You Need is Love2023-2024In progress...Page Artist
🔗 🔜Way of the Blade2023-2024In progress...Page Artist